
“Resetting” U.S.-Egypt Relations

Shai Feldman explore the growing rift between Washington and Cairo, rooted as it is in the very different manner in which the two...

Sisi Runs for President in Nasser’s Shadow

Possibly in response to critics who consider his candidacy anti-democratic, he said, “Never can anyone force Egyptians to vote for a president they do not...

Egypt Must Reform Its Judicial System – And Do So Quickly

The need for those reforms to begin has, thus far, remained unanswered. Field Marshal Abdel Fattah El Sisi is likely to become Egypt’s next...

Why Do Egyptian Courts Say the Darndest Things?

The problems with Egyptian justice do not lie primarily in direct executive interference in cases. Probing the real problems will reveal that while some...

Western Ignorance of the ‘Conditions of Omar’

citing the Islamic concept of “dhimma”, requires Christians in the city to pay tax of around half an ounce (14g) of pure gold...

Washington and the Middle East: What in the World is the US Playing at?

The last part of this statement is probably true, but was it the right moment for such a public declaration when that same organization...

GCC Impasse Is About the Role Egypt Plays in Region

Ever since the downfall of former president Hosni Mubarak, Riyadh and Doha have been at odds over Egypt’s political future. But the stakes are...

Saudi Arabia’s Muslim Brotherhood predicament

Saudi Arabia hasn’t always had a problem with the Muslim Brotherhood. The kingdom is an avowedly Islamic state, which accords an unusually strong role...

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