
Resuming Military Aid to Egypt: A Strategic Imperative

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), who chairs the subcommittee that oversees foreign aid, placed a hold on the administration's April 25 request for $650 million...

Policy Options, After the Wreckage

The Brotherhood responded by further digging in. In time the Army called their bluff and removed President Morsi. The shock of this event was...

Proven Guilty: Egypt’s Judiciary and the Undermining of Democracy

Before January 2011, Egypt’s judiciary had long been a reasonably independent democratic institution with respect to the autocrat’s influence: actions of former President Hosni...

How Can America Really Promote Democracy Abroad?

The foreign policy driven by this belief is known as “democracy promotion,” and has long been an explicit goal of Western governments. At least...

US, EU Reset Egypt Policies

 Earlier last week, news leaked that Cairo is hosting a Russian delegation to discuss the purchase of 24 MiG-35s, Russia’s top fighter jet, not sold...

An Egyptian Jew’s Message to Threatened Middle East Christians

Certainly, the plainclothes security men are there to protect the synagogue and those close by — but they are also able to keep a...

What Tony Blair’s Views Say about Britain’s Foreign Policy

Mr. Blair said that even moderate Islamists, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, foster totalitarian aspirations and provide fertile soil for terrorism.Two former British diplomats...

The Candidate in His Labyrinth

Checkpoints cordon off the streets leading up to the four-story villa, and half a dozen armed guards, one of whom holds a semiautomatic weapon...

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