
Extremism Fuels Abuse of Christians in Mideast

Meriam Yehya Ibrahim Ishag, 27, who is married to an American, was released, rearrested, and then released again. It's still uncertain whether her nerve-wracking...

Egypt’s New Law for Parliamentary Elections Sets Up a Weak Legislature

Those changes are contained in a new law for the parliament and a significant set of amendments for the “Law of Exercising Political Rights”...

Why Trying to Spread Democracy, Liberalism, and Human Rights Always Backfires

China continues to throw sharp elbows. Japan is getting martial again. And Britain is getting closer to leaving the European Union. I could go...

Jihadis in Iraq and Syria Declare a Caliphate? Why That’s Good

The formerly Al Qaeda-linked jihadis are generally reported as going from strength to strength in Iraq, taking and holding cities like Mosul and Tikrit...

The Cleansing of Iraq’s Christians Is Entering Its End Game

The population, particularly its Christian community, has much to fear. The ruthlessness of ISIS, an offshoot of al-Qaeda, has been legendary. Its beheadings, crucifixions,...

Bloody History Repeating in Iraq

Sunnis were the technocrats who populated the ministries and staffed the army — members of Iraq's experienced middle class who would happily have supported...

What to Do About Violence?

We don’t need Al-Qaeda to produce these fanatics. They will appear anywhere and in many places where poverty, ignorance and manipulators prevail. They use...

Reflections on the Revolution in Egypt

In December 2002 Secretary of State Colin Powell had announced the creation of the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI). One of its aims, he...

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