CS Releases

Insult after Injury: Understanding Egypt’s “Reconciliation Meetings”

Insult after Injury: Understanding Egypt’s “Reconciliation Meetings”By Raymond Ibrahim – Special for Coptic SolidarityAugust 8, 2016 We often hear about Egypt’s Christians being attacked by...

Coptic Solidarity Urges Egypt’s New Law Regulating Construction of Churches to Break Away from the Historical Conditions of Dhimmitude

Coptic Solidarity Urges Egypt’s New Law Regulating Construction of Churches to Break Away from the Historical Conditions of Dhimmitude(Washington, DC) August 4, 2016The 2014...

Coptic Solidarity Statement on August 2nd Peaceful Demonstration

Coptic Solidarity Statement on August 2nd Peaceful Demonstration August 4, 2016Coptic Solidarity organized a peaceful demonstration in front of the White House on August 2nd...

Coptic Bishop: Egypt’s Christians Attacked ‘Every 2-3 Days’

Coptic Bishop: Egypt’s Christians Attacked ‘Every 2-3 Days’By Coptic SolidarityJuly 22, 2016After the latest round of attacks on Egypt’s Christian minority—which saw at least...

Egypt Must Pass Church Building Law That Breaks Conditions of Servitude

Egypt Must Pass Church Building Law That Breaks Conditions of ServitudeA Coptic Solidarity StatementJuly 22, 2016The 2014 Egyptian Constitution includes various aspirational guarantees of...

The Two Faces of Al Azhar

The Two Faces of Al AzharBy Raymond Ibrahim – Special for Coptic SolidarityJuly 14, 2016In a statement titled, “The Cairo Institute for Human Rights...

Communiqué de presse de Coptic Solidarity

Communiqué de presse de Coptic SolidarityWashington DC, le 11 juillet 2016L’Association Internationale Coptic Solidarity et ses partenaires en Europe et Canada appellent les autorités...

Coptic Solidarity Urgently Calls on Egyptian Authorities to End Climate of Violence on Christians and Demands Equal Rights

Coptic Solidarity Urgently Calls on Egyptian Authorities to End Climate of Violence on Christians and Demands Equal RightsFor Immediate Release(Washington, DC) July 11, 2016Coptic...

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WASHINGTON, Sept. 5, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- In an historic...

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