CS Releases

Coptic Solidarity Calls For A Demonstration On Wednesday, September 26 During Mr. Morsi’s Speech At the UN

WASHINGTON, Sept. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Coptic Solidarity is calling for a peaceful demonstration to tell Egyptian President Morsi that Coptic Christians deserve equal citizenship...

Coptic Solidarity Calls For A Demonstration On Wednesday, September 26 During Mr. Morsi’s Speech At the UN

WASHINGTON, Sept. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Coptic Solidarity is calling for a peaceful demonstration to tell Egyptian President Morsi that Coptic Christians deserve equal citizenship...

Egyptian Professor: Ahmed Shafik Won Elections by 30,000 Votes

In an interview on Al Hadath Al Masry, "The Egyptian Event,” an Al Arabiya news channel talk show, the Head of Ibn Khaldoun Center...

The Collective Punishment of Egypt’s Christian Copts

Last month saw Egypt’s latest large-scale “collective punishment” of Christian Copts. It started when a Christian launderer accidently burned the shirt of a Muslim...

Victimization of Egypt’s Christians Worse After Revolution

While some are aware that the Christians of war-torn Syria and Iraq are regularly abducted and held for large ransoms by Western-sponsored "freedom fighters,"...

Armed Terrorization and Expulsion of Copts

 After Dahshur, the infernal scenario of attacks, plunder and expulsion is now taking place in a number of other villages in Egypt. The inhabitants...

NGO: Armed Gangs Plunder Minia’s Copts and Impose Tributes on Them

A delegation of Justice and Development Human Rights Organization has monitored a number of attacks and blackmails by armed gangs against the Christians...

Obama Administration Met with 30 Brotherhood Members Before Egypt’s Presidential Elections

Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, professor of Political Sociology and Director of the Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies, recently revealed important details about separate...

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