CS Releases

Strong Echoes of a Religious State in the Egyptian Constitution Draft

On October 14, the Egyptian government published a draft of the new constitution that clearly reflects the current State of political affairs in Egypt....

Body of Young Copt Found Decapitated in Egypt

Police in Sohag, Egypt found the body of a young Coptic man with injuries on his face and hands. The body was moved to...

Egyptian Sheikh: Cut the Tongue of Blasphemers

Al-Azhar Professor of (religious) Interpretation, Sheikh Abdullah Badr, attacked those opposed to Islamic Sharia implementation and threatened them with “cutting their tongues.”  Sheikh Badr...

Egyptian Islamic Preacher Calls for the Demolition of Ancient Monuments

Sheikh Youssef al-Badri, an Islamic preacher, said that God created people to worship Him, but demons misled them to worship other creatures.  He pointed...

Muslim Brotherhood General Guide ‘Remote Controls’ Members

Columnist Ibrahim Eissa, Editor in Chief of Tahrir Newspaper, said that the Muslim Brotherhood is capable of brainwashing its followers, explaining that this has...

Sinai: Morsy’s Failed Battle

President Morsy made calls to one of the leaders of the jihadi groups in the Sinai, asking him to stop any operations and asking...

Morsi Falsely Claims to Rescue Two Coptic Children Accused of Blasphemy

The lawyer of the two Coptic Children accused of tearing and urinating on verses of the Quran, Guirguis Bebaway, a Coptic lawyer and activist,...

Two Coptic Girls Disappear Under Mysterious Circumstances

Two Egyptian Coptic teenagers have been reported missing in the Minya region in Egypt, where attacks on Copts are frequent.  In two separate...

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