CS Releases

Bomb Threat at Coptic Church of Two Saints

While news of attacks on Egypt’s churches is becoming more and more frequent, one must also be aware that threats against Coptic churches that...

We Will Not Buy This Horse Twice

In the past Copts were killed and the perpetrators were set free, and Churches were burnt one at a time; these heinous acts were...

Thousands of Egyptians Rally in Washington on April 18 to Denounce Morsi’ Regime

Coptic Solidarity and other Egyptian groups organized a massive demonstration on Thursday April 18 in Washington, D.C. Over 3000 people gathered in front of the...

Rally by Egyptians in Washington on April 18: Morsi Regime Must Be Held Accountable

The Coptic community, along with many Egyptians, is holding a rally on April 18, 2013 to protest the recent killings in Cairo, to stand...

Egyptian Muslim Woman Tears Into Brotherhood and Islamists

In light of the recent attack on St. Mark Cathedral, the rife between a moderate Egypt—consisting of moderate/secular Muslims and Christians—and a radical one—consisting...

Morsi Culpable in Unprecedented Attack on the Coptic Pope’s Seat

http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/09/copticsolidaritymorsi-idUSnPnDC91429+160+PRN20130409WASHINGTON, April 9, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Coptic Solidarity condemns in the strongest terms the violent attacks over the past few days in Egypt against...

Former MB Leader: Morsi working on “Brotherhoodization” of Egypt

According to Gate Ahram, the Muslim Brotherhood’s former General Guide, basically the group’s supreme leader, Mahdi Akef, surprised many when he declared during an...

Jihadist Groups Reappear Openly in Sinai; Challenge Police and Army in the Heart of Al-Arish City

Extremist groups in Sinai exploit the absence of security to recruit more youngsters from Rafah and Sheikh Zuweid cities. People in Sinai confirm Jihadist...

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Amir Salem Blasts Egypt’s Islamists, Judiciary Regarding Unjust Ruling Against Copts

Editor’s note: The following is translated excerpts of a...