CS Releases

Egyptians Outraged by McCain’s and Graham’s Remarks

In the eyes of tens of millions of anti-Muslim Brotherhood Egyptians, Senators John McCain’s and Lindsey Graham’s recent remarks in Egypt—including that the June...

Egypt: Two Churches Attacked, Back to Back

Egypt’s Christian Copts continue to be targeted and scapegoated for the ousting of the Muslim Brotherhood. Hours ago, dozens of Brotherhood members and supporters attacked an...

Egyptian Government Cancels Amnesty for Islamists and Criminals

Unknown to many in the West, one of the very first things Morsi did as president was to release and pardon countless jihadis. This...

87.93 % of Egyptians Support Call to Kick U.S. Ambassador Out of Egypt

The extreme dislike in Egypt for U.S. ambassador Anne Patterson -- widely seen as a Muslim Brotherhood stooge -- continues to manifest itself.Youm 7, a popular...

Egyptian Americans Demonstrate in Front of White House

Hundreds of Egyptian Americans demonstrated in front the White House on Friday July 26. Among their slogans were: "Drop the Terrorist Ikhwan" 
and "Al-Qaeda...

Coptic Solidarity Demands Drafting New Constitution in Egypt

WASHINGTON, July 23, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The new Egyptian leadership issued on July 8 a constitutional declaration to govern the country during the...

Bin Laden’s Doctor Wanted by Sisi, ‘Dead or Alive’

New Egyptian intelligence confirms that Dr. Ramzi Mawafi—better known as the late terrorist Osama bin Laden’s physician—is the leader of the so-called “Free Egyptian Army” that...

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‘Vetted Moderate’ Free Syrian Army Commander Admits Alliance with ISIS

On Monday, the Daily Star in Lebanon quoted a FSA brigade commander saying...

Sawiris vs. Agitated Amanpour on CNN

Peter Greste, Mohamed Fadel Fahmy and Baher Mohamed from...

What’s in a Name: Laundering Islamism?

The latest step toward making it impossible to understand...