CS Releases

Brotherhood Supporters Place X Marks on Coptic Homes

The Christian Copts of Shubra al-Khaima, Egypt, are in a “state of panic and terror” as “a number of supporters of ousted President Muhammad...

Ruined Churches: What the Brotherhood Has Wrought

Here are before and after snapshots of one of the churches, St. Theresa, destroyed by the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters in Asyut, Egypt....

Brotherhood ‘Smiles to World’ and ‘Prepares’ with Sword

In many ways, the above picture of a known pro-Brotherhood protester, Walid al-Khatab, is representative of the two faces of the organization.  He earlier called...

Brotherhood Supporters Loot Ancient Egyptian Museum, Destroys Antiquities

Back in the summer of 2012, when Muhammad Morsi became president of Egypt, congratulatory calls to demolish the Great Pyramids—the ultimate in idol effrontery to...

Video of Coptic Church Aflame

Before the Muslim Brotherhood camps were dispersed, over a week ago, a man who identified himself as a Libyan called into Al Jazeera saying,...

Muslim Brotherhood Torching Christian Monasteries

The Muslim Brotherhood’s jihad in Egypt, especially on Coptic Christians, rages on with no end in sight. Moreover, as Muslim Brotherhood supporters continue attacking...

Christian Egyptians will not be made a scapegoat

The undersigned organizations and associations have observed with great concern the rapid increase of the violence against the Egyptian Christian citizens by terrorist groups...

Copts Must Not Become Scapegoats, Says Rights Group

MARED (Egyptians Against Religious Discrimination) Group released a statement on Sunday condemning escalating violence against Christian Copts in EgyptThe statement, which was signed by...

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