CS Releases

Coptic Solidarity Takes Part in a MECHRIC Leadership Conference in Brussels

Coptic Solidarity participated in a Leadership Conference organized by the Middle East Christians Committee (MECHRIC) in Brussels, on November 5 and 6. Participants came...

Brotherhood Incitements Against Copts Continue

Yesterday a report appeared indicating how the Muslim Brotherhood in Minya, Upper Egypt, are still trying to incite violence against the Coptic Christian minority....

Dr. Boutros-Ghali Addresses the MECHRIC Leadership Meeting in Brussels

 Message by Dr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, past U.N. Secretary General,To the MECHRIC Leadership Meeting (Brussels, Nov. 5-6), On: "Middle East Christians: Challenges and Strategies" Christians constitute...

Morsi’s Coptic-Persecuting Lawyer

At the same time the Muslim Brotherhood is trying to deny its pivotal role in inciting the recent and ongoing spate of attacks on...

The Ongoing Plundering of the Copts

As recently revealed on CTV, the unabated plundering of Egypt’s Christian Copts continues. In a village called Maghlaga, in the district of Malawi—where Muslim...

Egyptian Authorities Have Phone Recordings between Morsi and Al-Qaeda

Nabil Na’im, the former leader of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad group (where Ayman Zawahiri was before merging with al-Qaeda), recently made several scandalous allegations...

Murdered Coptic Children: The Price of Obama’s Pro-Brotherhood Policy

Who is more deserving of punishment by the United States? Millions of Egyptians, for ousting the Muslim Brotherhood? Or the Muslim Brotherhood, for habitually...

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Egypt Christians Stage Rare Cairo Protest, Demanding Rights

Egypt Christians Stage Rare Cairo Protest, Demanding RightsBy Brian...