CS Releases

“Congratulating Copts on Christmas Betrayal of Islam,” Say Brotherhood Youth

Muslim Brotherhood Youth rejected that Coptic Christians be congratulated on the occasion of Christmas, and deliberated over Facebook demands to a ban such congratulate,...

Muslim Brotherhood a ‘Terrorist Organization’ Says Egypt’s Prime Minister

On Tuesday December 23, Dr. Hazem al-Bablawi, Egypt’s prime minister, declared the Muslim Brotherhood to be a “terrorist organization.” This came after a car...

Special Envoy for Religious Minorities Bill Passes Committee!

Coptic Solidarity is pleased to report that a bill that we support has just been approved by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations by...

Muslim Brotherhood Tries to Assault Coptic Bishop in New Jersey

Followers of the Muslim Brotherhood tried to assault Coptic Bishop Paul (“Boula” in Arabic), who represented the Coptic Church in Egypt’s 50-member constitution committee,...

Egyptian Authority Says 23 Million Coptic Christians in Egypt

Dr. Essam Abdullah, a professor of philosophy at Egypt’s Ain Shams University and a regular political commentator on Arabic media, including Al Jazeera, recently...

Sharia and the New Egyptian Constitution

 The single greatest priority of the United States and other Western governments towards Egypt should be to encourage the drafting of a constitution based on full...

Statement “Render unto Caesar things of Caesar and unto God things of God” contradicts Koran says Salafi leader

Sheikh Yusuf Burhami, a leader of Egypt’s Salafi movement—which, since the ousting of the Brotherhood, has become the primary Islamist party—recently issued a fatwa...

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