CS Releases

Egypt Is Turning the Leaf

The Egyptian voters ratified the new Constitution by the overwhelming majority of 98.1%. Some commentators said that the vote was cast by only 38.6%...

Gen. Sisi: ‘Religious Discourse Greatest Challenge Facing Egypt’

According to Egyptian media, during his recent speech at the Dept. of Moral Affairs for the Armed Forces, Gen. Abdul Fateh al-Sisi—the man who...

Coptic Children: A Source for Ransom Income?

 Yet another Coptic Christian child was recently kidnapped in Egypt. Thirteen-year-old Cyril Rif‘at Fayiz was abducted in the Minya district by “unknown persons” who...

Sinai: Civilian Population Terrorized; Women and Children Exploited

Egyptian authorities revealed yesterday that various terrorist and jihadi organizations, particularly in the Sinai region—including the villages of Mahdiya, Ganoub Rifh, Sheikh Zawid, and...

Marina Shalaby Wins Coptic Solidarity Writing Contest

 Marina Shalaby, a researcher at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, is declared the winner of the Coptic Solidarity Writing Contest for 2014. Our Board of Directors...

Results of Coptic Solidarity Writing Contest

Marina Shalaby, a researcher at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, is declared the winner of the Coptic Solidarity Writing Contest for 2014.Our Board of Directors...

Farewell to a Giant, Dr. Selim Naguib

Coptic Solidarity Executive Committee deeply regrets the departure of Dr. Selim Naguib as a huge loss to us all, and presents our deep condolences...

Copts Celebrate Nativity

Copts in Egypt and the world over celebrate Nativity on January 7.The Executive Committee of Coptic Solidarity takes this opportunity to wish its members,...

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Egypt Becoming An Islamist State May Be Inevitable?

Meanwhile, since the presidency of Gamel Abdel Nasser (1956-1970),...