CS Releases

Reportedly 102 Islamists to be Tried for Attacks on Coptic Churches and Property

According to Egyptian judicial sources, on Thursday, the Attorney General referred 102 Islamists to trial in the context of their attacks on Coptic churches...

The Tragic Situation of Syria’s Christians

The Syrian uprising began as a peaceful protest against an autocratic regime that has oppressed its people for over four decades. However, no more...

Muslim Brotherhood Dealing Drugs to Fund Terrorism

The Muslim Brotherhood and its jihadi supporters are the latest terrorists to be accused of growing and cultivating illegal drugs in the hills of...

Sufi Leader: U.S. ‘Deceiving’ and ‘Mocking’ World about Fighting Terrorism

 News recently emerged that “the Obama administration is imposing sanctions on an Egypt-based group that has claimed responsibility for attacks against Egyptian officials, Israeli...

The True Murderer of Mary Saleh

Political activist, poet, and journalist, Fatima Na’out, recently wrote an article titled “Find the True Killer of Mary,” portions of which follow:Those who killed...

Coptic Abductions and the Jizya Rationale

On March 26, an increasingly common scene took place in Egypt. Shenouda Riad Musa, a Coptic Christian man, was kidnapped by “unknown persons” who...

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Supporters Attack Church, Four Dead

Among other forms of “retaliatory terrorism,” some 80 Christian churches were attacked in Egypt immediately after the June 30 Revolution, which saw the ousting...

Ancient Coptic Monastery Under Attack

 Coptic Christian activists in Egypt are calling on the Interior Ministry and its organs in the Fayum district to move and rescue the monks,...

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Egypt: Where Even Official Permits Can’t Help Churches

Security forces in Upper Egypt arrested 10 Coptic Christians...

Coptic Solidarity 2016 Award

Coptic Solidarity 2016 Award