CS Releases

Coptic Solidarity Applauds Confirmation of Ambassador for International Religious Freedom

By Coptic SolidarityFor Immediate Release(Washington, DC) January 26, 2018Coptic Solidarity applauds the confirmation on Wednesday of Governor Sam Brownback (R-KS) as the Ambassador-at-Large for...

Egypt’s Feeble Response to H. RES 673 on the Copts

By Coptic SolidarityFor Immediate Release(Washington, DC) January 25, 2018The introduction of H. RE.S 673 in the US House of Representatives initiated a large reaction...

د. جورج جرجس رئيس مُنظَّمة التّضامن القبطيّ

شِهادة أمام لجنة توم لانتوس لحُقوق الإنسان"مصر: حُقوق الإنسان بعد سبع سنوات من الثّورة"6 ديسمبر 2017أودُّ أن أشكر الرّئيسيْن المُشاركيْن، النّائبيْن هولتغرين وماكجفرن، على...

Egypt’s Christians Suffering from “Very High Persecution”

By Raymond Ibrahim - Exclusive for Coptic Solidarity -For another consecutive year in a row, Egypt proves to be an inhospitable place for Christians,...

44 Simple Questions to the Egyptian Authorities Regarding the Situation of the Copts

By Coptic Solidarity -The introduction of H RES 673 () seems to have flustered the Egyptian government and sent them scrambling to issue a...

الأقباط في مصر: المشكلة والحل

منظَّمة التّضامن القبطي ـإنّ أقباط مصر هم سُكّانها الأصليّون، لكنهم برغم ذلك واقعون تحت الحصار بطُرُق عديدة بالتّمييز المُمنهج الدّائم وبالإرهاب الموَّجه ضدّهم من...

Reaction of the Egyptian Media to the Newly Introduced House Resolution 673 and Coptic Solidarity’s Testimony before TLHRC

By George Gurguis - President, Coptic SolidarityOpinions expressed in this article are exclusively those of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions...

Ancient Egyptian Monastery Closed and Christmas Celebrations Canceled

By Raymond Ibrahim – Exclusive to Coptic Solidarity –Local authorities decided to close down the Saint Catherine Monastery in the Sinai Peninsula, a UNESCO...

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فتاوي وآراء الشيخ الشعراوي!

د. خالد منتصر ـتجميع لآراء الشعراوي وبالأدلة والفيديوهات، تلك...

En Égypte, la colère des coptes ciblés par Daech prend le pas sur la douleur

Par Jenna Le Bras - Le Figaro (envoyée spéciale...

A barbaric attack by egypt’s security forces against the copts

Coptic Solidarity condemns the brutal attack by the...