CS Releases

In Memory of Dr. Helmy Guirguis

Remarks by Lord Alton of Liverpool at a Memorial Service for Dr. Helmy Guirguis at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, 6.30 pm, March...

Drive-By Jihadis Murder Another Coptic Christian in Sinai

On February 23, another Coptic Christian man was fatally shot in al-‘Arish, Sinai, by members of the Islamic terrorist group, Ansar Bait al-Maqdis.   Hani, the...

Stand at ‘Notre Dame de Paris’ in Memory of 21 Copts Slain in Libya

Coptic Solidarity (Solidarité Copte – France) organized a silent stand in front of Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral on the afternoon of Sunday Participants of...

Rally in Front of the White House on Tuesday, February 24

To commemorate our Coptic martyrs in Libya, “Coptic Solidarity” is organizing a rally in front of the White House, to be followed by a...

Egypt: Christian Man Shot in Head ‘Only Because He Was a Copt’

In the early morning hours of Saturday, January 31, masked gunmen stormed the home of Nabil Mahrus, a 50-year-old Coptic Christian civil servant in...

Coptic Solidarity on FoxNews: Coptic Christians on Edge after ISIS Murders

Coptic Solidarity’s Lindsay Vessey interviewed by Lauren Green on Fox News   http://video.foxnews.com/v/4062909457001/coptic-christians-on-edge-after-isis-murders/?#sp=show-clips

Libyan Islamic State Slaughters 21 Coptic Christians, Cites “Grievances”

Islamic jihadis never fail to find an excuse to slaughter innocent Christians.  For example, as discussed here, secular Western actions that have nothing to do...

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Conference Videos

Coptic Solidarity Fifth Annual ConferenceVideos1- Policy Day – The...

Brotherhood Hedges Its Bets (Which Is Why It’s Still on Top)

  They appealed to the broader Egyptian public outside...