CS Releases

The Truth about Murdered Coptic Soldiers

By Raymond Ibrahim – Special for Coptic Solidarity One of the staples of the Islamic whitewashing industry is the claim that jizya—the extortion money subjugated...

Medieval Christians Distorted Koran to Prevent Islam from Spreading to Europe?

By Raymond Ibrahim – Special for Coptic SolidarityWhile discussing the history of the Quran in Europe during a televised interview on the Arabic-language program,...

Coptic Solidarity Responds to Egyptian Parliament Meeting with USCIRF

By Coptic Solidarity(Washington, DC) March 9, 2018Editors Note: Coptic Solidarity addresses the specific comments reportedly made by Egyptian Parliamentarians. No reporting on USCIRF policy...

The government agrees to settle the situation of 53 churches and affiliated services buildings in the governorates

Coptic Solidarity Editorial Note:It is reported (see below) that the Egyptian cabinet has authorized 53 Christian worship buildings. The complete list presented last November...

44 questions à poser aux autorités égyptiennes pour apporter des solutions aux problèmes d’égalité citoyenne des Coptes en Égypte

Par Solidarité Copte -Les questions soulevées par la discrimination et la persécution des Coptes en Egypte, ne peuvent pas être traitées tant que le...

An American member of Congress: We will not allow the funding of human rights organizations which distorts Egypt’s (image)

By Bassam Ramadan - Al-Masry a-Youm – Feb. 14/2018 -(Translated by Coptic Solidarity)  A member of the American House of Representatives, Dana Rohrabacher, said that...

Coptic Solidarity Commemorates Third Anniversary of Coptic Martyrs

For Immediate Release(Washington, DC) February 15, 2018Three years ago, on this day, February 15, 2015 ISIS released a video titled “A Message Signed With...

ردود فعل وسائل الإعلام المصرية على مشروع القرار رقم 673 الذي تم تقديمه حديثا بمجلس النواب الأمريكي وشهادة منظمة التضامن...

د. جورج جرجس ـرئيس منظمة التضامن القبطي ـإن ردود فعل وسائل الإعلام والحكومة المصرية على مشروع  قرار مجلس النواب الأمريكي (H. RES. 673) الذي تم تقديمه مؤخرا قد شملت مدى...

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How Will the New Coptic Pope Deal with the New Islamist Egypt?

So the leadership of Egypt’s Coptic Church gets marks...

Tribute to Dr. Helmy Guirguis by His Grace Bishop Angaelos

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