CS Releases

Egypt’s Salafi Party Bans Christmas, Easter Greetings

  During a recent interview on Egyptian television, the schizophrenic face of the Islamist parties was on full display.              Dr. Yunis Makioun, head of the Al-Nour...

Egypt: Gunmen Kidnap 8-Year-Old Copt from Mother’s Arms

  Armed gunmen seized an 8-year-old Coptic Christian child from his mother’s arms.  The child, Antonious Zaki Hani, was walking with his mother to school...

Copt Convicted of ‘Offending’ Islam, More Christians Languish in Prison

On May 5, another Coptic Christian was convicted of blaspheming against Islam, or, more technically, for “ridiculing or insulting a heavenly religion” in violation...

Exposed: Egypt’s Institutionalized Persecution of Coptic Christians

  In a 25-minute interview on Arabic satellite with Dr. Mona Roman, Coptic Christian Bishop Agathon fully exposed the plight of his Christian flock in...

Does US Foreign Policy Have Influence in Egypt? A Review of the USCIRF’s 2015 Report and Policy Recommendations

On Thursday the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) released its annual report as mandated by the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA), which...

Underage Coptic Girl Abducted, Family Accuses Muslim Neighbor

  A 17-year old Coptic Christian girl named Tihani al-Nur Hakim was kidnapped earlier this week in the village of al-Kom al-Qibliyya in Samalout, Upper...

Coptic Solidarity Holds California Chapter Kick-Off Event on May 17

See enclosed flyer:   California Chapter Flyer

Paris: Attack on Churches—One Coptic—Thwarted

On April 22, France’s Interior Minister Bernard Caseneuve said that a man who was “planning am imminent launch an attack on one or two...

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Two Coptic Churches in Egypt Attacked By Muslims in One Week

On Friday, the church of St. Mary, in the...

The “Islamic State” in Libya Abducted 21 Copts as “Crusaders, Prisoners of War”

  "The soldiers of the Islamic State in the province...