CS Releases

Egypt: Masked Men Open Fire on Evangelical Church

On Sunday morning, May 31 in Senoras city, Fayum, masked men on motorbikes opened fire on an Evangelical church.  Security forces guarding the church...

Egypt: Explosive Goes Off Next to Church

A homemade explosive planted next to a Coptic Christian church was detonated around sunset on May 16.                  Although there were no human casualties at the...

Egyptian Judge Tells Christian: ‘Unacceptable for Christians to Testify Against Muslims’

True to the medieval teachings of Islam—in this case, that an “infidel” Christian’s testimony against a Muslim is null and void in (a Sharia)...

Egyptian Mosque Sermons Reminiscent of ISIS

On Friday, May 15, the prayer leader of Safa Mosque in the city of Mersa Matruh, west of Alexandria, Egypt, repeatedly declared that “the...

Egypt: Grandson of Medical Pioneer Cannot Follow Same Profession Because He Is Christian

Dr. Khaled Montaser, an Egyptian intellectual and frequent critic of the Islamization of the country, recently discussed how discrimination against Christians is widespread in certain medical...

Egypt: Muslim Convert to Christianity Rots in Prison

Bishoy Armia Boulous, formerly known as Mohammed Hegazy, an apostate from Islam in Egypt, remains imprisoned on charges of blasphemy related to his conversion...

Egypt: After Ransom Paid, Coptic Christian Still Killed

  A 55-year-old Coptic Christian man was kidnapped and held for ransom.  Although his family eventually paid, and the Muslim abductors took the money, they...

Another Teenage Coptic Girl Vanishes

On May 2, yet another Coptic Christian girl vanished.  Marina Magdi Fahim, 17, disappeared after leaving her home around noontime and walking to an...

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