Culture & Heritage

The Evolution of the Coptic Script

As the name implies, the Coptic script represented the Egyptian language just as Egyptian hieroglyphics had done for 3000 years before.

Coptic: Ancient language still spoken today

By: Marina Gamil, EgyptToday.comIt is fair to say that the Ancient Egyptian language is still used nowadays. “Several senior professors, popes and some villages...

Preserving ancient Coptic heritage in the East Bay, California

While the majority of the world’s Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th, a number of Orthodox sects follow an older-than-Gregorian calendar. They celebrate every...

Coptic heritage: The feast of the Epiphany

The feast of the Epiphany, falling on 19 January, is one of the most sacred days in the Coptic Christian calendar

Rami Malek is the Leading Man the World Needs

Turns out, the leading man of tomorrow might be anything but conventional. And so he should be. With Egypt in his heart and greatness in his sights, Rami Malek is forging something remarkable

From the Ptolemaic Kingdom, a Gilded Coffin to Die For

Created in the last century of the Ptolemaic Kingdom, Nedjemankh’s coffin reconfigures how we understand Ancient Egypt’s transition from autonomous empire to Roman province.

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