
7th Conference Photos

Conference Photos 1- Day 1 Photos 2- Day 2 Photos 

Conference Speeches

Negation Lies at the Heart of Genocide   Retrieving Coptic Identity   Three Thoughts on the Notion of Genocide

Three Thoughts on the Notion of Genocide

I would like to suggest some thoughts on the notion of genocide, and to discuss the precise meaning of the word, by asking who...


Conference Photos1- Day 1 Photos: part 12- Day 2 Photos3- Conference Dinner 

Speeches of Fifth Annual Conference 2014

 Coptic Solidarity Fifth Annual Conference Introductory Notes, by Adel GuindyCopts in North America: How to Be More Supportive of the Copts in Egypt, by Marina...

Copts in North America: How to Be More Supportive of the Copts in Egypt?

On March 28th 2014 Mary Sameh George, a Coptic Christian in Egypt, was reportedly beaten, stabbed, and shot by an Islamist mob. Reports claim...

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