
Halls of Power

By Jonathan Adly -9th Annual Conference Guest SpeakerSession: ‘Our Responsibility Towards our Family in Egypt: Engaging Young Copts in the Diaspora’   As I walked...

An Organization Helping Egyptian Christians

By Henry Srebrnik - Summerside Journal-Pioneer, July 9, 2018, p. A4The mission of Coptic Solidarity, located in the Washington DC region, is to increase awareness...

Ms. Raheel Raza’s Presentation at Coptic Solidarity’s 9th Annual Conference

Ms. Raheel Raza - President, Muslims Facing TomorrowSpeech at Coptic Solidarity's 9th Annual ConferenceDelivered June 22, 2018 Good afternoon and thanks to the organizers for...

U.S. Representative French Hill (R-AR) Before the Coptic Solidarity 9th Annual Policy Conference

The Honorable French HillBefore the Coptic Solidarity 9th Annual Policy ConferenceJune 21, 2018 Since we last met, I have been successful in introducing my...

Christians Must Support Their Brothers and Sisters – By Clarion Project

By Clarion Project -An Interview with Coptic Solidarity President, Dr. George GurguisThe Church is in free-fall in the Middle East. The once vibrant Christian...

Lord David Alton’s Presentation at Coptic Solidarity’s 9th Annual Conference

By the Rt. Hon. Lord David Alton of Liverpool -The first time I attended your conference I was the guest of my friend, Dr....

9th Annual Conference Opening Remarks By CS President, Dr. George Gurguis

By George Gurguis, MD - President of Coptic SolidarityGood morning. I would like to welcome you and thank you for attending Coptic Solidarity’s ninth...

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