
Support Congressional Resolutions for Minorities in the Middle East

Advocate with us in support of Congressional Resolutions for Minorities in the Middle East!The freedom to choose what we believe, to discuss those beliefs with...

Muslim Brotherhood Should Be Designated a Terrorist Organization

We have a critical opportunity to take a stand against the Muslim Brotherhood organization (MB) and the terror this organization has unleashed on Copts...

Stop ISIS Genocide

The next 17 days are critical.Here is why: A bill signed into law on December 18th required Secretary of State John Kerry to report to...

Advocacy in Action

Coptic Solidarity is continuously engaged in advocacy on behalf of Copts and other religious minorities in the region, although some of our efforts are...

Speak Out for Imprisoned Christian, Mohammed Hegazi!

I am writing to ask you take a few minutes to take action on behalf of Mohammed Hegazi.  He is being detained in prison...

Take Action to Repeal Blasphemy Laws

Take action today and send a message to your US Representative asking them to cosponsor a resolution that supports the repeal of blasphemy laws. Congressman Pitts, a longtime...

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Seeking to secure Sinai, Egypt builds closer ties with Hamas

By  Reuters -After years of strained relations, Egypt is...

Christians Almost Completely Destroyed By ISIS in Syria: Aleppo Archbishop

    The stark assessment of life for the persecuted religious...