News Campaign Fights against Headscarf in Egypt’s Schools

Campaign Fights against Headscarf in Egypt’s Schools



Lamya Lotfey
Lamya Lotfey

A new campaign by the New Women Foundation (NWF) is calling to ensure schoolgirls are not forced to wear a headscarf as part of their mandatory uniform, according to campaign coordinator Lamya Lotfey on her Twitter [Ar] account.

The campaign is titled ”No to imposing the veil on school girls,” after Lotfey’s daughter was punished for not wearing a veil. “My husband and I immediately filed a formal complaint with the educational directorate in the governorate,” she said.

On Monday, the deputy education minister assigned to Sharqiya province issued a decision reiterating that girls are not required to wear headscarfs in school, stating that the scarf is instead a personal choice.

Member of Parliament Fayqa Fahmy voiced [Ar] her support for the decision, particularly after a number of incidents where students were dismissed from school for not wearing headscarves. Fahmy expressed hope [Ar] that the Minister of Education would apply this rule to schools across the country.


Force and Fanaticism: Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia and Beyond

?s=96&d=mm&r=g Campaign Fights against Headscarf in Egypt’s Schools


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Lamya Lotfey
Lamya Lotfey

A new campaign by the New Women Foundation (NWF) is calling to ensure schoolgirls are not forced to wear a headscarf as part of their mandatory uniform, according to campaign coordinator Lamya Lotfey on her Twitter [Ar] account.

The campaign is titled ”No to imposing the veil on school girls,” after Lotfey’s daughter was punished for not wearing a veil. “My husband and I immediately filed a formal complaint with the educational directorate in the governorate,” she said.

On Monday, the deputy education minister assigned to Sharqiya province issued a decision reiterating that girls are not required to wear headscarfs in school, stating that the scarf is instead a personal choice.

Member of Parliament Fayqa Fahmy voiced [Ar] her support for the decision, particularly after a number of incidents where students were dismissed from school for not wearing headscarves. Fahmy expressed hope [Ar] that the Minister of Education would apply this rule to schools across the country.


Force and Fanaticism: Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia and Beyond