
ISIS committed genocides on 3 August 2014 at Shengal against Ezidis, 06 August 2014 in the Nineveh Plain against Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people, Turkmen, Ezidis, Shabaks and Kakais. On 14 September 2014 the same group have attacked Kobane and villages and committed an ethnic cleansing against Kurdish people here. But, resistance and courage of Kurdish fighters have stopped dirty plans of ISIS.


Following the defeat in Kobane, ISIS changed their tactics in order to gain and to control territory and tried to occupy Assyrian Christian villages along the Khabour River near to the Hassake city. ISIS presence in this region is not new. Since one year they are forcing people of occupied villages to pay them special tax, jizyah, in this region. They force Christians to convert to Islam. Syriac-Assyrian military forces as Syriac Military Council (MFS), Sutoro and Khabur Guards with the Kurdish forces of YPG made successful operations against ISIS in the Khabour region. On 8 February 2015, ISIS attacked once again village of Tel Hormizd with heavy artillery. During this attack one of the commanders of Syriac Military Council Tamer Bahde reached martyrdom. Once again, on 23 February, ISIS attacked villages of Khabour region. ISIS attacked several villages from several different points and during this attack they took control of 4 villages. During the fighting 3 Syriac Military Council freedom fighters reached to martyrdom and there are also 13 missing fighters, among them women. Moreover, hundreds of women, children and civil had been kidnapped by ISIS. Up to now, there is no clear information about their lives and whereabouts. Hundreds of families left their homes, villages and lands.


ISIS made their enmity very clear in the world and especially in the Middle East against Christian peoples. They kill and abduct Christians in every occasion. They extended their attacks from North Africa to Europe and recently they have attacked once again Christians in Syria as they did before in Saadad, Syriac town and Kessab, Armenian town. In order to defeat this barbaric organisation, there are important responsibilities to the international community, public opinion, United Nations, Coalition Forces, European Union, peoples of the region and to the whole defenders of values of democracy, liberty and free life. Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people have to take their distinctive steps in order to defend themselves from ISIS and similar groups.


We will raise our voice everywhere and in every city across Europe, it is moral responsibility to participate to these activities. Freedom of Khabour and Nineveh Plain means freedom of Bethnahrin (Mesopotamia) and Chaldean- Syriac-Assyrian people.
In this regards our demands are:


•    Lifting embargo on the Jazeera / Gozarto canton. 

•    Official recognition of the cantons Jazeera, Afrin and Kobane, which had been put in place with the will of 

•    Official visit to the Jazeera / Gozarto cantons from European Union. 

•    Military support to Syriac Military Council, Sutoro and Nineveh Plain forces. Immediate air drop of 
ammunition in the Khabur region. 

•    Political support to the organisations of Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people. 
We call our Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people to participate to the activities, demonstrations and meetings everywhere. 


European Syriac Union | & [email protected]




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ISIS committed genocides on 3 August 2014 at Shengal against Ezidis, 06 August 2014 in the Nineveh Plain against Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people, Turkmen, Ezidis, Shabaks and Kakais. On 14 September 2014 the same group have attacked Kobane and villages and committed an ethnic cleansing against Kurdish people here. But, resistance and courage of Kurdish fighters have stopped dirty plans of ISIS.


Following the defeat in Kobane, ISIS changed their tactics in order to gain and to control territory and tried to occupy Assyrian Christian villages along the Khabour River near to the Hassake city. ISIS presence in this region is not new. Since one year they are forcing people of occupied villages to pay them special tax, jizyah, in this region. They force Christians to convert to Islam. Syriac-Assyrian military forces as Syriac Military Council (MFS), Sutoro and Khabur Guards with the Kurdish forces of YPG made successful operations against ISIS in the Khabour region. On 8 February 2015, ISIS attacked once again village of Tel Hormizd with heavy artillery. During this attack one of the commanders of Syriac Military Council Tamer Bahde reached martyrdom. Once again, on 23 February, ISIS attacked villages of Khabour region. ISIS attacked several villages from several different points and during this attack they took control of 4 villages. During the fighting 3 Syriac Military Council freedom fighters reached to martyrdom and there are also 13 missing fighters, among them women. Moreover, hundreds of women, children and civil had been kidnapped by ISIS. Up to now, there is no clear information about their lives and whereabouts. Hundreds of families left their homes, villages and lands.


ISIS made their enmity very clear in the world and especially in the Middle East against Christian peoples. They kill and abduct Christians in every occasion. They extended their attacks from North Africa to Europe and recently they have attacked once again Christians in Syria as they did before in Saadad, Syriac town and Kessab, Armenian town. In order to defeat this barbaric organisation, there are important responsibilities to the international community, public opinion, United Nations, Coalition Forces, European Union, peoples of the region and to the whole defenders of values of democracy, liberty and free life. Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people have to take their distinctive steps in order to defend themselves from ISIS and similar groups.


We will raise our voice everywhere and in every city across Europe, it is moral responsibility to participate to these activities. Freedom of Khabour and Nineveh Plain means freedom of Bethnahrin (Mesopotamia) and Chaldean- Syriac-Assyrian people.
In this regards our demands are:


•    Lifting embargo on the Jazeera / Gozarto canton. 

•    Official recognition of the cantons Jazeera, Afrin and Kobane, which had been put in place with the will of 

•    Official visit to the Jazeera / Gozarto cantons from European Union. 

•    Military support to Syriac Military Council, Sutoro and Nineveh Plain forces. Immediate air drop of 
ammunition in the Khabur region. 

•    Political support to the organisations of Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people. 
We call our Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people to participate to the activities, demonstrations and meetings everywhere. 


European Syriac Union | & [email protected]