CS Releases An American member of Congress: We will not allow...

An American member of Congress: We will not allow the funding of human rights organizations which distorts Egypt’s (image)


By Bassam Ramadan – Al-Masry a-Youm – Feb. 14/2018 –
(Translated by Coptic Solidarity)  

danasisi An American member of Congress: We will not allow the funding of human rights organizations which distorts Egypt’s (image)
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher leads a congressional delegation to Cairo, where he meets with President al-Sisi to strengthen a vital alliance against Islamic terrorists. (Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, is pictured on right.)

A member of the American House of Representatives, Dana Rohrabacher, said that Egyptians need to know that the United States of America is aware of the magnitude of their sacrifices to defeat terrorism “the common enemy,” and the devil who earlier killed more than 300 worshipers, and that this is not Islam.

Rohrabacher added during “a special interview” broadcast on “al-Ghaad” (Tomorrow) TV with media personality, Khalid Khairi, as for the activists and human rights organizations, which go to a country like Egypt and demand the Egyptian government apply idealistic measures that could not be applied at a time the state is going through a real crisis that “our security in the USA depends on Egypt’s success and its ability to defend its people.”

Rohrabacher explained, “I emphasized in the Congress that we can’t fund organizations that intentionally distort Egypt’s image in the area of human rights, and we will not allow that, because the alternative to the current regime is terrorism.”

Coptic Solidarity Commentary

Rep. Rohrabacher’s interview is illuminating in that he stated his belief in suspending human rights, as if they are a luxury, to combat terrorism, implying these issues are mutually exclusive.  Supporting regimes such as Sisi’s, which have decimated civil society and simultaneously given free reign to Salafists within Egypt to violate the rights of its Christian minority, will never achieve stability and security in Egypt. Rohrabacher appears keen to mention the Muslim worshipers killed in the recent Sinai mosque attack, but the interview includes no mention of the many Copts killed and churches blown up by hateful Egyptian Islamists. Coptic Solidarity supports Egypt’s effort to combat terrorism. Yet, the government must simultaneously afford all citizens equality under the law.


Photo Credit: Featured Image – Politico

In Text Image – Rep. Dana Rohrabacher leads a congressional delegation to Cairo, where he meets with President al-Sisi to strengthen a vital alliance against Islamic terrorists. (Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, is pictured on right.)


?s=96&d=mm&r=g An American member of Congress: We will not allow the funding of human rights organizations which distorts Egypt’s (image)


  1. I am dismayed at Rep. Dana Rohrabacher proclamations and caution about not calling criminal Egyptian Islamists for what they are. Does he not know or is he hiding the fact that President Al-Sisi has been extending a hand in friendship to the Muslim Brotherhood before the upcoming presidential elections in Egypt next month. The commentary by CS is both factual and balanced, pointing out the dire condition of dhimmitude and martyrdom the Copts in Egypt are experiencing. If the USA is a player in the region, it is well for it to be an honest broker. Saba E. Demian, M.D.


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By Bassam Ramadan – Al-Masry a-Youm – Feb. 14/2018 –
(Translated by Coptic Solidarity)  

danasisi An American member of Congress: We will not allow the funding of human rights organizations which distorts Egypt’s (image)
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher leads a congressional delegation to Cairo, where he meets with President al-Sisi to strengthen a vital alliance against Islamic terrorists. (Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, is pictured on right.)

A member of the American House of Representatives, Dana Rohrabacher, said that Egyptians need to know that the United States of America is aware of the magnitude of their sacrifices to defeat terrorism “the common enemy,” and the devil who earlier killed more than 300 worshipers, and that this is not Islam.

Rohrabacher added during “a special interview” broadcast on “al-Ghaad” (Tomorrow) TV with media personality, Khalid Khairi, as for the activists and human rights organizations, which go to a country like Egypt and demand the Egyptian government apply idealistic measures that could not be applied at a time the state is going through a real crisis that “our security in the USA depends on Egypt’s success and its ability to defend its people.”

Rohrabacher explained, “I emphasized in the Congress that we can’t fund organizations that intentionally distort Egypt’s image in the area of human rights, and we will not allow that, because the alternative to the current regime is terrorism.”

Coptic Solidarity Commentary

Rep. Rohrabacher’s interview is illuminating in that he stated his belief in suspending human rights, as if they are a luxury, to combat terrorism, implying these issues are mutually exclusive.  Supporting regimes such as Sisi’s, which have decimated civil society and simultaneously given free reign to Salafists within Egypt to violate the rights of its Christian minority, will never achieve stability and security in Egypt. Rohrabacher appears keen to mention the Muslim worshipers killed in the recent Sinai mosque attack, but the interview includes no mention of the many Copts killed and churches blown up by hateful Egyptian Islamists. Coptic Solidarity supports Egypt’s effort to combat terrorism. Yet, the government must simultaneously afford all citizens equality under the law.


Photo Credit: Featured Image – Politico

In Text Image – Rep. Dana Rohrabacher leads a congressional delegation to Cairo, where he meets with President al-Sisi to strengthen a vital alliance against Islamic terrorists. (Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, is pictured on right.)
