Advocacy Stop ISIS Genocide

Stop ISIS Genocide


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The next 17 days are critical.

Here is why: A bill signed into law on December 18th required Secretary of State John Kerry to report to Congress within 90 days on whether the Islamic State has committed genocide against Yezidis, Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq and Syria. The deadline – March 17 – is little more than two weeks away.  Now is the time to raise all of our voices in a targeted and meaningful fashion in order to #StopISISGenocide.

This moment could not have come sooner, as February 15 was the one year anniversary of the day ISIS terrorists murdered 21 Coptic Christians on the beach in Libya.  It is impossible to forget the image of these men kneeling in orange jumpsuits; however, very few remembered the martyrdom of these men on the anniversary of their death one year later.

While arguments rage in Washington, D.C. and at the UN in New York as to whether there is proof of ISIS’ “specific intent” towards Christians and other religious minorities, it would appear that many have forgotten the incident on the Libyan beach, and the fact that ISIS titled the video of these barbaric murders, “A Message Signed with Blood to the Nation of the Cross.”

Lord David Alton commemorated these martyrs by stating:

“It is especially important that we mark the anniversary of the brutal murder of the 21 Coptic Christians in Libya a year ago, not only to keep them in our memory, but to remember and advocate for all those who continue to face persecution in the Middle East. What is happening to Christians and minorities in the region is nothing short of Genocide, and we must not stand by and watch as whole communities are eradicated.”

Without a genocide declaration by the world’s leading nations, the international community will continue to stand by idly.  But the Yezidis and Christians in Iraq and no one in Syria can wait for another year to pass.  In light of the horrible atrocities that are unfolding, join in solidarity with others over the next few weeks in a #StopISISGenocide campaign.  There has never been a more critical time for you to raise your voice than at this moment.

The next 17 days are critical!

Call on Members of the House of Representatives to sign and quickly pass H. Con. Res. 75. Introduced by Congressman Fortenberry (R-NE) and Congresswoman Eshoo (D-CA), this bi-partisan resolution has 195 co-sponsors and denotes the reality of genocide.  Congressional leadership is essential, as the State Department is allegedly grasping to come up with proper evidence because it has yet to launch any official investigation.  As many in American leadership are reluctant to acknowledge the full extent of the horror that has been unleashed on religious minorities in Iraq and Syria, your voice in unison with others could prove a deciding factor.

Would you join us at this critical time to #StopISISGenocide by taking action today?


Alex Shalaby
President, Coptic Solidarity

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StopISISGenocide Week Banner SMALL No Date

The next 17 days are critical.

Here is why: A bill signed into law on December 18th required Secretary of State John Kerry to report to Congress within 90 days on whether the Islamic State has committed genocide against Yezidis, Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq and Syria. The deadline – March 17 – is little more than two weeks away.  Now is the time to raise all of our voices in a targeted and meaningful fashion in order to #StopISISGenocide.

This moment could not have come sooner, as February 15 was the one year anniversary of the day ISIS terrorists murdered 21 Coptic Christians on the beach in Libya.  It is impossible to forget the image of these men kneeling in orange jumpsuits; however, very few remembered the martyrdom of these men on the anniversary of their death one year later.

While arguments rage in Washington, D.C. and at the UN in New York as to whether there is proof of ISIS’ “specific intent” towards Christians and other religious minorities, it would appear that many have forgotten the incident on the Libyan beach, and the fact that ISIS titled the video of these barbaric murders, “A Message Signed with Blood to the Nation of the Cross.”

Lord David Alton commemorated these martyrs by stating:

“It is especially important that we mark the anniversary of the brutal murder of the 21 Coptic Christians in Libya a year ago, not only to keep them in our memory, but to remember and advocate for all those who continue to face persecution in the Middle East. What is happening to Christians and minorities in the region is nothing short of Genocide, and we must not stand by and watch as whole communities are eradicated.”

Without a genocide declaration by the world’s leading nations, the international community will continue to stand by idly.  But the Yezidis and Christians in Iraq and no one in Syria can wait for another year to pass.  In light of the horrible atrocities that are unfolding, join in solidarity with others over the next few weeks in a #StopISISGenocide campaign.  There has never been a more critical time for you to raise your voice than at this moment.

The next 17 days are critical!

Call on Members of the House of Representatives to sign and quickly pass H. Con. Res. 75. Introduced by Congressman Fortenberry (R-NE) and Congresswoman Eshoo (D-CA), this bi-partisan resolution has 195 co-sponsors and denotes the reality of genocide.  Congressional leadership is essential, as the State Department is allegedly grasping to come up with proper evidence because it has yet to launch any official investigation.  As many in American leadership are reluctant to acknowledge the full extent of the horror that has been unleashed on religious minorities in Iraq and Syria, your voice in unison with others could prove a deciding factor.

Would you join us at this critical time to #StopISISGenocide by taking action today?


Alex Shalaby
President, Coptic Solidarity